How many calories do you burn swimming? The influence of body weight

According to information from the Nutrition Center, it is justified if men consume 2500 kilocalories (kcal) daily. For women, an intake of 2000 kcal applies. These are average values ​​and can of course be different for everyone. The extent to which a person burns calories depends on a number of factors. Body weight is one of them. A person weighing 70 kg consumes fewer calories by swimming for an hour than someone weighing 100 kg with Lifeguard Class.

How does swimming compare to other activities?

Sports physiologists have different models to measure or calculate exercise and calorie consumption. One of the best-known methods is working with the MET value. MET is an abbreviation that stands for ‘Metabolic Equivalent of Task’. With the MET value of an activity, a physiologist calculates the energy expenditure per minute or per hour and can compare different activities with each other. Each activity has its average MET value.

For example, the MET value of sleeping is equal to 0.9 and the heaviest physical exertion has a MET value of 18.0. For lap swimming, you may use an average MET value of 4.8. Jogging has a MET value of 7.0. For cycling and walking, a MET value of 3.6 to 4.0 applies. Swimming laps, at a moderate and steady pace, is considered a physiologically moderately strenuous activity. The MET value of swimming depends on the swimming stroke and how intensively you swim.

Swimming laps in breaststroke

If you swim calmly in the breaststroke, your activity has a MET value of 4.8. This is the same as swimming leisurely laps in backstroke. If you are an experienced swimmer who also swims fast in breaststroke, you can take into account a MET value of 7.6.

How many calories do you burn swimming in breaststroke? We assume a person with a body weight of 75 kg. Swimming for an hour in a normal breaststroke burns 417 kcal. If you do it extra fast, you will consume almost 600 kilocalories.

An hour of swimming in front crawl

Front crawl is a more intensive stroke than the well-known breaststroke. The MET value of a calm front crawl is 8.3. Fast swimming equals a MET value of 9.8, which is equivalent to intensive skipping rope.

Assuming an hour of swimming in a front crawl, you will burn 650 kcal if you swim at a normal pace. Swimming laps at a high pace burns 772 kcal.

Burn calories with the butterfly stroke

The butterfly stroke is known for its intensity. If you are able to swim in a butterfly stroke for an hour, you are probably in very good shape. Physiologists have determined the MET value of the butterfly at 11.1. A person with an average body weight burns no less than 874 kcal in an hour.

How do you keep swimming laps to lose weight fun and interesting?

Swimming, exercising, and losing weight are best if you keep it fun for yourself too. How about uplifting music while swimming? Or you can make it a family activity. Swimming for an hour in the same stroke can get boring after a while. If you use multiple strokes while swimming laps, you will still burn enough calories and work other muscles at the same time.

Feel free to alternate swimming with an activity such as push-ups or jumping rope. If you start to feel a bit heated after a good workout, take an invigorating dip in your own pool.

Burn calories while working out in a small pool

Can you also do an effective workout in a small pool or a plunge pool? Sure! The Starline Urban Active is specially designed to place a Starline Endless Swimming. Starline Endless Swimming creates a natural counter-current and has 6 different speed settings. At a low level, the flow has a relaxing effect. At a high level, it provides the ultimate swim training. Due to the different positions, there are challenging swimming programs even for professional swimmers.

How can you handle calories responsibly?

Every day we take in calories with our food. Every day we do work that burns calories. In the end, it’s about balance. If the daily amount of calories we ingest is greater than our calorie consumption, there is a good chance that the excess part is stored in adipose tissue. An active lifestyle with enough time for sporting activities, coupled with a healthy and responsible diet is the best way to ensure this balance. Swimming laps regularly can certainly help you with that.

Must Read: 10 tips for more safety in the water

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